What I do
I am inspired by the magic that exists in the big and little moments in life to create artwork that families will treasure for a lifetime. To accomplish this, I take ….
I want your photos to transport you back in time — not just document that you were there.
In other words …. I want you to have photos of your family in real life, doing real things with real emotions and real expressions — something you just can’t get from simple bribes or saying”cheese.” Don’t get me wrong, we will get the photos of everyone looking and smiling at the camera …. but that won’t be the focus. The focus will be on the connections between you and the ones you love and the genuine moments that pass between you. If you have specific things you do as a family together, we’ll document those things – but, if you just want images full of snuggles and giggles and smiles and fun, then I’m there. for. it. You deserve more than a cookie cutter Christmas card photo once a year. You deserve authenticity.
how do we do this?
We have FUN! We tickle, we play games, we wrestle and swing and snuggle and hug. We explore together and take snack breaks when needed and just go with the flow of your family. I will direct the session and give cues and tell you when to look at me and how to stand and all the things, but the magic is in your crew—together— and it will come out naturally, I promise! :)
BUT why?
why not just settle for once a year, everyone smiling at the camera?
I look back at photos from my childhood and mostly what I see are my awkward stages of braces, bad hair, and pre-puberty with a fake smile and questionable hand placements (insert Will Ferrell). The photos I treasure are the ones where I can see WHO WE WERE as kids, NOT JUST WHAT WE LOOKED LIKE. I want my kids to have a record of the way mom adores them ... the look of pride in dad's eyes ... the love they share for each other, the friendships, the joy, even the sorrow ... I want those memories printed and hanging on the walls in my home. Sure there will still be awkward stages of braces and bad hair, but that will all fade behind the personality of the one who is wearing them. I want images where the “who” shines through, and I want that for you, too. :)